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Fate/Oracle (Fate/stay night VN)

  • Thread starter Turniphater
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Early during the Fifth Holy Grail War all conflicts become impossible and the participants have little choice but watch how events would have turned out.

Fate/stay night watch it fic based primarily on the Visual Novel.

Contains two Sidestories. One set in Zero, and the other where Magecraft is public knowledge.

Contains links to a web version of the VN. It still has some bugs, so it's best if you just use it as a reminder.

This will cover:
Reactions to Prologue. (Complete)
Reactions to Fate route. (Day 9/15)
Post Fate ending, what if the story ended there. This will include Last Episode.
Reactions to UBW True route.
Post UBW ending.
Reactions to UBW good ending.
Reactions to Heavens Feel route.
True ending of this story.

All bad ends will be included. Tiger Dojo's will be edited to fit the story.

UFOtable scenes that will be added:
UBW Caster's backstory.
UBW Clocktower scenes.
HF1 Opening.
HF2 Taiga's visit.

UFOtable scenes that may be added:
Archer vs Shirou fight (I prefer to stick to purely additive scenes, so it might not)

(Please suggest any others that should be included)

Sidestory Chapters are contained in the main threadmark as they should be read in that order, but here's a list if you're trying to find a specific one.

  • Statistics (53 threadmarks, 100k words)
Before Oracle
  • #1
Rin Tohsaka feels like a complete idiot.

This isn't the first time she's felt this way, and she knows fully well it'll happen again some day. But this time is different since a person's life is on the line.

She runs as fast as she can to the Emiya household, but doubts she'll make it in time.

She'd gone to the effort of using her most precious heirloom to heal that boy, but hadn't considered the fact that he'll still be in danger.

If she had been thinking more clearly then she would have used him as bait for a trap. That would have worked perfectly.

That's a lie of course, she knows she wouldn't put a civilian in danger for her own benefit, but she definitely should have done something differently.

As she nears the house she notices the presence of a Servant. "…He's here. The Servant from before…!"

She bites her lip in frustration. "…I'll just have to jump in and beat him. I'll worry about what comes next when it happens!"

But then, two unusual events happen.

The first being a flash of light coming from the household, one that she never expected to see come from here of all places.

The second, as if in reaction to the first, is a piece of paper she keeps on her at all times suddenly becoming extremely hot.

"No way." She can guess what the reason for the light is, despite it seeming completely unlikely. But the paper is something she'd been trained for from a very young age, she just can't believe it would happen now of all times.

She quickly realises she'll need to figure out which issue to solve first. It seems obvious at first, but the more she thinks about it, the more she realises she needs to at least check the paper before trying to enter the household.

So she takes out the paper from up her sleeve and unfolds it. But what she sees is both comforting and annoying.

-Cross-stabilisation: 0%

-Current Viewing: Fate/Stay Night

-Area of Viewing: Fuyuki City and surrounding woods

-Focus Location: Emiya household

-Location Owner: Shirou Emiya

-Location Quality: A++

-Standard protections in place

At first she lets out a sigh of relief. With this there is literally no chance of Shirou being harmed.

But then she realises the other implications, and they made her want to tuck into a ball and cry.

Why did this have to happen now of all times? The Holy Grail War can't take place with this in the way. How will the two overlapping even work?

Calming herself, she remembers the first thing she has to do under these circumstances; introduce herself to the Focus Location Owner.

Before she can reach the door she notices Lacer jumping over the wall and fleeing into the distance, but that doesn't bother her at this point, her main concern is the new situation.

The second Servant that jumps over the wall is far more important, partially because she looks like she is trying to attack her and Archer, but also because of who her Master probably is.

"What is this?" The Servant girl asks, trying to move forwards but seemingly restrained by an invisible force.

Rin keeps her cool, knowing that she can't be in any danger. "You don't seem to know about the Oracle Viewings, though I suppose that's to be expected from someone from the distant past."

Archer looked at his Master, also seemingly restrained by an invisible force. "Oracle Viewings?"

"I'll explain in a bit." Rin smiles, then turned to the blond girl. "Would it be possible for me to have a talk with your Mas..."

"Tohsaka?!" The boy Rin wants to talk to appears out of his door.

Saber knew something was wrong the moment she was summoned.

She had an instinctual feeling that she wouldn't be able to fight anyone.

Regardless of this, she readied her sword against the obvious Lance wielding foe.

Surprisingly though, he backed away without her having to strike even once.

Unusualness aside, this gave her a chance to formally greet her new Master. "I ask of you. Are you my Master?"

The answer he gave was slightly nonsensical, but that might be because of the unusual magic that seemed to be at work.

In that case the obvious course of action was to eliminate all nearby hostiles. She could finish introductions later.

Dashing out the small building, she sees Lancer standing a distance away.

"What form of spell is this?" Saber asks, trying to take a step forward to attack, but finding she can't do it.

It's not that she lacks the strength or willpower, but her body simply won't obey her whenever she tries to initiate an attack.

"So it's affecting you too?" Lancer says. "Didn't expect that, but it doesn't really matter. My orders are to retreat. Hope we can fight each other properly some time."

With one bound. Lancer easily jumps over the wall and disappears.

Saber finds the situation more puzzling by the second. If not Lancer then who is responsible for her inability to fight? The first guess would be Caster, as only they might have a spell capable of breaching her defences, but even then this seems too powerful to not be a Noble Phantasm, but too unorthodox to be one.

"Who are you?" Saber's Master appears out of the shed.

"I apologize for the lack of introduction, I am Servant Saber."

"Servant.. Saber?" He seems to be confused, that can mean only one thing.

"It seems you aren't an orthodox Master. In that case, I suggest you stay safe while I deal with the current situation."

If Lancer isn't responsible, the most likely culprit would have to be the two enemy presences that can be sensed nearby.

Though it may seem rude to her Master, she jumps over the wall to confront them.

Again things seem strange. The new enemies are a male Servant and a female Master, but the Servant doesn't seem to be Caster, and the Master is holding a piece of paper that seems... Unusual.

"What is this?" Saber asks, trying again to attack, but having her body disobey her.

"You don't seem to know about the Oracle Viewing, though I suppose that's to be expected from someone from the distant past."

Her Servant looks at her, also seemingly restrained by an invisible force. "Oracle Viewing?"

"I'll explain in a bit." The Master smiles, then turns to Saber. "Would it be possible for me to have a talk with your Mas..."

"Tohsaka?!" Her Master appears out of his door.

The girl, apparently Tohsaka, then smiles mischievously at Saber's Master. "Good evening, Emiya-kun."

"Stand back Master, she's dangerous." Saber warns him. While it seems less likely at that point, she thinks this girl could have been the one responsible for this weird spell.

"Oh, there's no need to worry." The girl says. "I couldn't harm you now even if I tried, we're all in the same situation after all, harming each other is now physically impossible. There's more to it than that of course, but before I go into details, may I please enter your home? This doesn't seem like the place to explain." With that she goes to the door, as if completely uncaring about everyone else's confusion.

"Err… sure." It seems Saber's newest Master isn't the most calculating individual, but considering who her previous one was, that may be for the best.

Rin is ecstatic. Shirou must be just as clueless as she expected if he's giving her permission to enter his home so easily. Or perhaps he simply hasn't read his Oracle Paper yet. That seems like the more likely answer actually, only the Second Owner is obligated to have theirs on them at all times, and he hardly seems to be in a position to check his.

Either way, she's gained access to the highest quality Focus Location in recorded history. Readying herself, she steps through the door.

It's far better than she ever imagined.

The mana in this place is so potent, so accommodating, and so benevolent. The mana actively flows into her circuits, without putting any strain on them. In fact, each time it circulates she can feel her circuits getting slightly more efficient, and there even seems to be a new circuit forming already.

It would appear all the stories about a Focus Location's positive influence are true, but even then it seems far better than what she's heard. Perhaps that's why this is considered A++ quality.

After that they have a brief introduction in the living room. It went about how Rin expected, Shirou was especially nervous, while both Servants were on guard and expecting an explanation.

"Now onto the most important matter." Rin says. "It seems we are now in the centre of an Oracle Viewing." That should be enough to get Shirou to realise the situation. Those words alone are all any half assed magus should need.

"A what?" Shirou tilts his head.

Rin can't believe what she's hearing. Does he seriously have no clue? Knowledge of the Oracle Viewings is one of the first things a magus should be taught. It's one of the few things everyone in the Moonlit World agrees should be done, like a rite of passage into the Moonlit World.

"How do you not know about it!" Rin yells, maybe a bit too loudly but this is a serious matter. "You seriously have no idea about it?"

"No…" He replies.

Rin breathes out in frustration. "In that case I'll have to start from the beginning. Since at least 2000BC there has been a phenomena where events of the past, future, or potentially both have been shown to those who the events relate to. These people will always be those aware of the Moonlit World. The exact reason for this phenomena is still unknown, but for the duration of the 'Viewing' It will be impossible for anyone of the Moonlit World within a certain area to take part in any meaningful malicious acts, be that as the cause or a victim, intentionally or accidentally."

"And that's why I failed to strike you down?" Saber says. It's frightening how easily she said it, but also comforting that she's being honest.

"Then why haven't I ever heard of this before?" Archer asks.

"That's actually quite simple." Rin explains. "Until roughly 200 years ago, the number of people who knew about it was very small. Like most magic, it was kept a secret by those who did know. However…" Rin pauses, thinking about how best to explain this part. "The events shown always involve some form of tragedy, usually involving between a dozen and a hundred innocent lives being lost. But once the Viewing is over, everything is cleaned up in some way, but the method of cleaning up was often more deadly than the original event shown. Many resources had to be used to ensure the Oracle Viewing didn't reveal the existence of magic to the world. But then 200 years ago, it was discovered that the more people who watch the Viewing, the more benevolent the method of cleaning up will be. Since then it was agreed upon by the Mage's Association, Holy Church, and many other groups that anyone who knows about the Moonlit World would be informed about the Oracle Viewings and granted the ability to watch them."

Rin takes out the Oracle Paper "Now if you look here, this is a Mystic Code that is capable of gleaning some information about the current Oracle Viewing. Current Viewing is simply an arbitrary name that can be used to refer to this Viewing. Area of Viewing means an area where people of the Moonlit World will be incapable of entering or leaving until the Viewing is over. Focus Location means an area that can be considered the centre of the Viewing, the mana in this location will be especially beneficial to anyone in proportion to the Location Quality. But some people will find themselves incapable of approaching it, and even then it's impossible to enter without permission from the Location Owner."

Shirou looks at the Oracle Paper for a moment, then back to Rin. "What about the Cross-stabilisation, or the Standard protections?"

"Standard protections simply refers to the inability for malicious actions. It's almost always there, but additional conditions may be added at any time, we'll have to keep watch for those." Rin explains. "As for the Cross-stabilisation, that's a mystery no one knows the answer to. It's always been at 0% and as far as I can tell, it always will be."

She smirks at him. "Now, onto the matter of the Holy Grail War."

Today is the day Sakura Matou is most worried about going down to the pit in a long while.

The things that are done to her in there don't frighten her that much anymore, she'd been through it enough that if it's possible to get used to something like that then she's long since reached that point.

But what happens tonight will determine if her Senpai will be able to survive the Holy Grail War. She doesn't have any delusion that her Grandfather will spare Senpai's life for her sake, but there's a chance that killing Senpai won't benefit him. Only in those cases will he ever be merciful.

Before descending, she goes through the ritual she always does to help prepare her mind. Plan the next meal she'll be making for Senpai, remind herself that she'll definitely be able to see him again, and check on the family Oracle Paper.

She's been told that every magus household has at least one Oracle Paper they check daily, and in the Matou household that responsibility is hers.

At first she'd held onto hope that an Oracle Viewing would save her somehow, but that hope was crushed in less than a year.

Unfolding the paper, it seems… warmer than usual. This isn't too unnatural though. The paper acts as a relay for all of them, so the moment one Oracle Paper gains information about the latest Viewing, all others will reflect those details.

The paper also acts as a relay for the Viewing itself, which means she's seen plenty of tragic events through the paper. Though none of it ever really seems so bad to her, if that's the worst the rest of the world has to deal with then they're lucky. If she could make them realise just how lucky they were then…

Sakura shakes off the delusion. If anything she should be thankful to be able to watch the Viewings. Grandfather said that the amount of people who can choose to watch the Viewings is more important than the actual number of people who watch, and risking getting on the Associations bad side over such a trivial matter seems pointless. That's why even Shinji is allowed to watch the Viewings, though Sakura personally thinks that's done more harm than good letting him see magecraft that's performed all over the world.

But when she actually reads the contents of the paper, she falls to her knees.

-Location Owner: Shirou Emiya

Sakura is terrified, and then overjoyed.

If Senpai is the Location Owner that means he'll be heavily involved in the Viewing. In other words, she'll be seeing him suffer a tragic end.

But immediately following that she realised that was only what would have happened if not for the Viewing. Now Senpai is safe. Unquestionably safe. There's nothing in this world capable of harming him during the Viewing, and even after that he'll have a partial protection that defends against any attack caused by the Viewing. This is the second best thing that could have appeared on the Oracle Paper. No, the best thing, she can't ever fool herself into thinking she deserves this more than Senpai.

Now she descends into the pit, but for a completely different reason, with much more hope within her heart.

Her Grandfather must have noticed she's different than usual because he takes the time to ascend some of the stairs to greet her.

"What has my cute Granddaughter in such high spirits?" He asks, and the fact that he could tell that much already terrifies Sakura.

But what keeps her on track is the fact that she knows she's not opposing him in any way, and he won't gain anything from hurting her right now. So she simply holds out the Oracle Paper for him.

He takes the paper and reads it immediately. She can tell he's not happy with what it says, but there's nothing anyone can do about it. Opposing the Oracle has always seemed futile, all that can be done is finding out what it wants and using that to create a mutual benefit. The rule of observers worked like that, patterns indicated that it wanted the Viewings to be shared, so it was given what it wanted and stopped being so destructive. There are several other rules that it seems to want to be followed, but those are still uncertain and barely have any impact anyway.

"This will be the last night you spend here until the Viewing is over." Her grandfather says this and Sakura becomes terrified.

It's not that what he said was bad, but every time he makes a big decision she becomes terrified on instinct.

"Tomorrow you are to go to the Emiya household and claim you are unable to stay in this house for some time. Use whatever excuse you need to in order to ensure he lets you stay at that house overnight."

She can hardly believe what she's hearing. She understands the reason why he wants her to stay there, but the fact that this is actually happening just doesn't seem real.

"Understand that I want to see some real improvement on your part. Improve enough and there may not be any need for you to stay in this room again."

"Yes Grandfather." Sakura nods her head politely and returns up the stairs.

She doesn't believe him when he said she won't have to go back in the pit, but she will try her hardest anyway. This salvation may only be temporary, but as long as she can spend it with Senpai that's more than she has the right to ask for.

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UNSC Hecatia-001
  • #2
Hmmmmm... I'm little confused with the pov but overall good chapter.
  • #3
Could use some polishing up, mostly grammar and spelling, but besides that it's nice to see one of these that doesn't really involve Zeltreth in a meaningful way.
In the future I would recommend just staying on one POV per chapter to minimize confusion for the readers.
  • #4
In the future I would recommend just staying on one POV per chapter to minimize confusion for the readers.
Thanks for the advice. Might not always work since I wan't to write some pretty short POV's
Should I split this chapter up for each POV?


Oh boy, here I go helping again!
  • #5
Should I split this chapter up for each POV?
Nah, I'd keep it, what's done is done.


Trolling for spoilers
  • #6
Interesting take on people to see their future or past. Also a nice way to get many of the characters involved and will this include F/HA as well. Also the multiple POV for chapters is a nice thing way to show inner reactions to what's going on. Also Kirei and Gil and going to get fucked. Ilya showing up will be hilarious also will Medea show up?
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  • #7
Keeping a close wary eye on this, wondering if you're only doing one route, or if you're going through all three.
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Trolling for spoilers
  • #8
Keep a close wary eye on this, wondering if you're only doing one route, or if you're going through all three.
Says VN so all 3 is my guess.
  • #9
I do like that the fic didn't go for the very obvious low hanging fruit of just bring up Zelretch to justify it and made their own little bit of lore to explain how the group can view all of this.
  • #10
Keeping a close wary eye on this, wondering if you're only doing one route, or if you're going through all three.
It's not really a spoiler, so I'll reveal my current plans for the structure of how they see the events.

The Viewing will be of real time events but with pauses to allow for the inner dialogue of the VN. This doesn't make much sense in terms of how how the viewing would actually work, but it doesn't matter as I won't actually be writing what happens in the viewing with the exception of specific events that require a proper reaction. Instead most of the time I will do a cut and give a summary of the events they saw while linking to the relevant page on Fate/stay night

Bad ends will be covered, but then the viewing will rewind to the mistake that was made and follow on from the correct path. (an in world explanation will be given)

When a a proper ending is reached, it will rewind all the way back to the beginning/the divergence point and continue onto the next route

Tiger Dojo may or may not be covered, but if they are then they will undergo some changes.

Regarding me choosing not to use Zelretch, what I know of his personality doesn't seems to match what I want to do for this story.

  • #11
It's not really a spoiler, so I'll reveal my current plans for the structure of how they see the events.

The Viewing will be of real time events but with pauses to allow for the inner dialogue of the VN. This doesn't make much sense in terms of how how the viewing would actually work, but it doesn't matter as I won't actually be writing what happens in the viewing with the exception of specific events that require a proper reaction. Instead most of the time I will do a cut and give a summary of the events they saw while linking to the relevant page on Fate/stay night

Bad ends will be covered, but then the viewing will rewind to the mistake that was made and follow on from the correct path. (an in world explanation will be given)

When a a proper ending is reached, it will rewind all the way back to the beginning/the divergence point and continue onto the next route

Tiger Dojo may or may not be covered, but if they are then they will undergo some changes.

Regarding me choosing not to use Zelretch, what I know of his personality doesn't seems to match what I want to do for this story.

Sounds like it's gonna a jolly good experienceof everyone in the cast watching how Shirou dies in so many horrific way, if Kirei is here he would be having the greatest time of his life. And yeah Zelretch wouldn't do this type of stuff, he either stays out of it, or if the situation does require his personal touch he goes full Justice mode.
  • #12
Sounds like it's gonna a jolly good experienceof everyone in the cast watching how Shirou dies in so many horrific way,
I'll admit, I'm already thinking about how they'll react to some of his deaths. Like that one time in the fate route where he randomly gets reverse impaled my swords after being kicked out a building. It's gonna be some time until they understand why that happened.
  • #13
I'll admit, I'm already thinking about how they'll react to some of his deaths. Like that one time in the fate route where he randomly gets reverse impaled my swords after being kicked out a building. It's gonna be some time until they understand why that happened.
The big first taste of how fucked this oracle viewing is gonna be for everyone is the first bad end. Illya cutting off Shirou's head and then making him immortal is still one of the worst fates for him. Him being in so much pain and suffering he pulls a Kars and just stops thinking.
World Weaver
  • #14
eh, not a fate fan but I do love your RWBY reaction so have a hesitant watch.
  • #15
Well, I came here from the RWBY reaction fic. Mostly due to my own interest in Fate, not to mention your own writing. Plus, to my knowledge there aren't really any true React fics for the Fate series. I'm very interested in seeing where this goes so...*reclines seat and pulls out popcorn*
  • #16
I wonder which one you'll be using? the Original Fate/Stay or the All-Ages Realta Nua? I can't wait for Saber/Rin/Sakura's reaction to their...scenes with everyone's favorite protagonist
  • #17
I wonder which one you'll be using? the Original Fate/Stay or the All-Ages Realta Nua? I can't wait for Saber/Rin/Sakura's reaction to their...scenes with everyone's favorite protagonist
Oh, yeah, that's right! Those are going to be....interesting....*maniacal laughter*. I'm going to die laughing if that happens, especially since this goes into the fact that literally all three of them have feelings for Shirou(maybe not Saber at the moment, but, well, it's SHIROU) and that the Oracle is undeniable(I think? Hopefully we get more info on that) proof of that.
  • #18
Oh God, I can imagine that you will use a mix of Visual Novel and Anime/Movie adaptations for the viewings. The fights will be glorious, double UBW and Excalibur Morgan in HF route ftw.


Verified Eldritch Reader
  • #19
Looking forward to more of this. Do you plan to include people like Issei? Kuzuki will probably end up being there. If normals are going to be involved I would say it would be restricted to Kuzuki, Issei, Ayako, Raiga and Taiga. And if Waver somehow joins these viewings, that old couple he stayed with
  • #20
Alaya: Cease and Desist!

Oracle: Nope!

Association: What do you mean more people watching reduces chance of exposure?!

Oracle: Bitches! I do what I want!

  • #21

And I'm already laughing like a loon thinking abiut the faces of Shirou and Saber for the UBW and Fate routes. Specifically, the "threesome with Rin" scenes.

Or Sakura going "Dark" (even knowing that she can't hurt the 'other hussies') only for the scenes that hint for Rider to be intersted in Shirou too to be glimpsed.

  • #22
I kept my cool, knowing that I couldn't be in any danger. "You don't seem to know about the Oracle Viewings, though I suppose that's to be expected from someone from the distant past."

Archer looked at me, also seemingly restrained by an invisible force. "Oracle Viewings?"

"You don't seem to know about the Unknown Oracle, though I suppose that's to be expected from someone from the distant past."

Archer looked at her, also seemingly restrained by an invisible force. "Unknown Oracle?"

Noticed a mistake in the POV swaps where what Rin and Archer said have changed in Sabers POV. Other than that, pretty good prologue, look forward to seeing what you write.
  • #23
Noticed a mistake in the POV swaps where what Rin and Archer said have changed in Sabers POV
Thanks, fixed it. That's a result of me changing the name mid way but forgetting to do so fro both POV's

Regarding Original vs Realta Nua, I'm mostly sticking to the Realta Nua version (in terms of no H-scenes) but I may add some of the original lines where it feels appropriate. Don't expect too much though, I usually won't be showing the Viewing and instead just show how people react to it.
This is a much looser and less structured story than my RWBY one.

Captain Fsteak
  • #24
Fate/Stay Night or as it should be called "Emiya Shirou: The many deaths of you and the times you really should have died but didn't."
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  • #25
The Clocktower is in a panic.

This isn't completely unexpected. Every time a new Oracle Viewing begins there's a mad rush to gain as much information as possible on the people within the Area of Viewing, especially the Focus Location Owner. Things will eventually settle down once the report on the situation is officially released.

But things are especially bad this time because of one particular thing.

-Location Quality: A++

This has never happened before. The last time the quality had reached A was over a hundred years ago, and there exist no records of anything higher than that ever appearing.

This is a much bigger deal than someone just entering the Moonlit World would expect. The best methods of improving Magic Circuits can only compare to staying in E rank Focus Locations, and all of those come with some serious detriment.

But more significantly, C rank Focus Locations and higher are capable of forming new Magic Circuits that will be of equal quality to the ones the person naturally possess.

Staying in a high quality Focus Location is sure to improve someones abilities to the point they can be compared to distinguished magi from long lineages.

The normal reaction magi would have to such a thing is to capture these people and perform extensive experiments on them in order to unravel the mysteries of the Oracle and the benefits it gives, but the protections that are granted for them won't allow that. The Oracle prevents anyone from bringing misery to the people from the Area of Viewing if it can be considered a result of the Oracle Viewing.

So a different approach is taken, mutual benefit.

Distinguished families will offer those who have been in the Focus Locations a position in their family, in other words, a strategic marriage.

Before the Viewing ends, most magus families will do anything they can to find out who has the best chances at staying in the Focus Location and what it is each of those people want. They will then rush to make themselves a more appealing choice to their target, either through gathering of artifacts, grooming their sons and daughters to match their tastes, or any other method that they think will increase their chances.

Of course, the most renowned families don't often engage in these matters, their children are only allowed to marry the cream of the crop. It would be a waste if one of them were to marry their only daughter to someone who was in a D rank Focus Location, then have a much more suitable candidate appear in the next Viewing, with a B rank Focus Location.

These families will almost always ignore when the Focus Location is E or D, and choose carefully when it's C or B. They're all waiting for the elusive A rank.

With A++ appearing, they no longer have any restraint. Those families with an heir who is still single are calling in all favours to learn anything they can, while other families are grieving the missed opportunity.

That's what has been happening behind closed doors, but even on the surface level things are heating up.

In took exactly twenty three minutes until someone revealed that Fuyuki city is currently host to the Holy Grail War along with all the connotations that has. It was later theorised that the Oracle had some part in aiding this information leak, and while no solid evidence was ever found, everyone agreed to this given how much of a precedence there was.

Either way this brought up a very important discussion. Why is the Oracle interfering with a significant event? This has never happened before. The Oracle only ever showed small tragedies. Things that, in the long scheme of things, have hardly any impact on the flow of history.

This marked a significant change in one of the most powerful phenomena they know of. So they agreed to cease their machinations for winning over the magi of Fuyuki, instead they would work together to solve this mystery and ensure it doesn't bring destruction to the world.

There's a small chance one or two of the families may intend to keep their promise.

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